Category: HR

  • What is Employee ID and When To Use It

    What is Employee ID and When To Use It

    Employee ID is more than just a number. With employee ID, you can do more than just identify someone. Learn more about what is Employee ID and in what cases, as an employer, you might want to use employee ID number. What is Employee ID An Employee ID, or employee identification number, is a unique…

  • Time Management for Managers: Best Practices

    Time Management for Managers: Best Practices

    Managers have a lot on their plate, but mastering time management can significantly enhance their efficiency and effectiveness. By adopting best practices in time management, managers can better handle their responsibilities, lead their teams more effectively, and achieve their professional goals. Why Managers Should Have Time Management Skills Improved Productivity and Efficiency Time management skills…

  • How does a Well Implemented Safety and Health Program Affect Employee Retention

    How does a Well Implemented Safety and Health Program Affect Employee Retention

    How does a well implemented safety and health program affect employee retention? Well, the answer can really surprise you – well implemented safety and health program affect employee retention to the level you cannot imagine. Read on! Why Should You Care About Employee Retention The Importance of Employee Retention Employee retention is crucial for any…